Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Go Between Part 2 - by Ps Michael Podhaczky

In the previous blog, it was stated that the idea of interceding is to make an appeal on behalf of another; to act as a go between, or to step in on behalf of events, people and places in the presence of God. If that is the case, then how do you put this principle into practice? The following application proposes four parts to this process: the opportunities, intersections, an interception and then stepping in. Let me explain these four parts.

The first part is about the opportunities. Opportunities to be a go between are continually coming your way. These could be opportunities in the midst of events, for people and in places. If you are more aware of these opportunities, you will be ready to see then and respond when they arise.

The second part is that of the intersection. Where do most motor accidents happen?  They mainly happen at intersections; either crossroads or T-intersections. Where do most of these opportunities to be a go between happen? They happen where lives intersect or run into each other. As you go about your life, the Spirit of God can bring you into a direct collision course of events, with people and in places. He wants you to be ready to be a go between at the intersections of life. 

The third part is to be ready to intercept. In a ball game the ball is passed from player to player, but the other team will try to intercept the ball to their advantage. So to it is that, you can intercept the promptings of the Spirit of God. Or else you might simply let things go by and miss an opportunity. Remember that, it is the Spirit of God and not you who will direct and equip you to be an effective go between. You just need to be ready and available for the interception.

The last past is to step into the situation. Whether you decide to step in and let the Spirit of God use you as a go between is up to you. You need to seek to find out His will in the situation and pray accordingly. It is in faith that you wait on the Spirit for Him to answer and direct you as He sees fit.

This should not be considered as formula, but rather some useful steps. Are you willing to look for opportunities at the intersections of life, intercept the passes that come your way, and step into the situations on behalf of others? Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into becoming a go between?

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