The truth of Inerrancy
is based on inspiration. The reason for
this is that God’s Word, spoken by Him, does not have any mistakes as it is complete.[1] That is to say, it,
“…signifies the quality of being free from all falsehood or mistake
and so safeguards the truth that Holy Scripture is entirely true and
trustworthy in all its assertions.”[2]
Accordingly, it is this inerrant Word of God that had
its establishment on the “act of God, whereby the first writing of revealed
truth was done without fault.”[3] This does not mean that
translations of the Bible since the first
manuscripts are entirely without copyist
points of disagreement.
So, any issues regarding inerrancy deal with the original manuscripts of the Bible.
They were written accurately, perfectly and reliably by God’s chosen writers.
In other words, under the Holy Spirit’s guidance,
they did not make mistakes in the process of recording His Word. Although inerrancy
is claimed for the original writings, it
does not negate the Holy Spirit using people to write the Bible under His
For example, this is seen in (Jer 36:2; Ex 4:12,15; Prov 30:5-6; 2 Pet 1:21;
Rev 22:18-19).
It is sufficient
to highlight the fact that, the modern translations are trustworthy. However,
each serves a particular purpose that
needs to be taken into consideration when answering the question of its use.
Consequently, inerrancy describes the Bible’s nature.[5] So, concerning the matter of Inerrancy the Bible “makes good on its
claims.”[6] It needs to be remembered that,
term inerrancy may be modern, but the concept is as old as the people of Bible
days, including Jesus Himself: The Scriptures are the authority,
and you can trust what they teach!”[7]
God Speaks: A Workbook of The
Bible. (Highbury, London: Grace Publication
Trust, 1980), 1/4.
[2] Geisler, Norman. L.
(ed.) Inerrancy. (Grand Rapids, MI:
Acadmie Books, 1980), 500.
God Speaks,
[4] Horton, Michael. Pilgrim Theology: Core Doctrines for
Christian Disciples. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), 57, 58.
Vanhoozer, Kevin J. “The Inerrancy of
(17th May 2018)
Taylor, Justin.
“Inerrancy and Infallibility: Truth Claims and Precision.”
(17th May 2018).
Hart, Larry D. Truth Aflame: Theology for
the Church in Renewal. (Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005), 59. The
italics are Hart’s.
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