So, this idea of ‘Centring’ is
something that any Christ-follower can do. We do not need an education, a
position or a title. We might need an example (although we do have Jesus), but
we may also need a person to walk with us as we work out the best way to do this.
In reality, however, any Christ-follower
can be skillful at centring others.
Let me ask
you a shocking question, and see how you would
“How would you kill your neighbour?”
That is, “Have you got someone in your
sights to take down?”
Hmm, these are very important
questions relating to ‘Who’s at the centre?’ Now we could use a weapon or
something that we find at hand. However, there is something that is far more
effective to kill your neighbour.
The best
weapon to kill your neighbour with is love! This is exactly what we are to do
wherever we have been placed. Jesus said that is what He did, and that His
followers are to do the same.
34 “So now I am giving you a
new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should
love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the
world that you are My followers” (Jn 13:34-35 NLT).
Previously Jesus had already
acknowledged the summary commandments of the Old Testament, Matt 22:37-40. But
here He goes one further by giving
a new commandment to do as He has done.
So, the challenge is not to kill
your neighbour with a weapon and especially with your tongue (Jas 3:1-12), but
with love. How do we go about doing this to those around us? Just like Jesus
did by ‘Centring’ others and loving them. That is, seeking their highest good,
regardless of whether they return this love or not.
Pause in His presence for a
moment and think this over…
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