Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How Do You Respond? by Ps Michael Podhaczky

We can tell a lot about people by watching how they respond in certain situations. In fact, others can tell a lot about us by watching how we respond in certain circumstances. They can pick up on things like attitude, frame of mind and maybe even our motives.

Whether we realise it or not, our attitude, frame of mind and motives are always on display to God. There is a story that Jesus told at the end of His Kingdom teaching in Matthew chapters 5-7 that brings this out. In Matt 7:24-29, Jesus speaks of two houses and two responses; then Matthew says,
28 “When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at His teaching, 29 for He taught with real authority—quite unlike their teachers of religious law” (Matt 7:28-29 NLT).
What does it mean, “Jesus taught with real authority—quite unlike their teachers of religious law”?  Typically, scribes taught by quoting what earlier rabbis had previously said. However, when Jesus taught, it was direct and authoritatively citing and reinterpreting Scripture. For example, He used the phrase “You have heard that our ancestors were told, but I say…” or something similar throughout Matt 5-7.

In Matt 4:25 it says, “Great crowds followed Him from Galilee, and from the 10 Towns, Jerusalem, Judea, and from east of the Jordan.” Then chapter 5:1 began by saying, “And seeing the multitudes, He went up on the mountainside…” Jesus did not use the traditional rabbinic teaching methods; rather, He used a thought-provoking approach of Kingdom teaching to draw out a response from the listeners to agree or disagree with Him.

The message is still relevant today; it is still thought-provoking and seeks a response from you, the listener, to agree or disagree with Jesus. Our frame of mind and even our motives still tell us today about ourselves. Remember, these are always on display to God, as He wants us to grow and become His Christ-like children.

Pause in His presence for a moment and think this over

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