Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mental Health - Part 2 by Ps Michael Podhaczky

As mentioned in the previous blog, I have suffered my own mental health issues. I still suffer the effects and probably will until I die. So I am aware that those who are suffering need to be able to get the right help and find acceptance. In my darkest moments, as I fell into depression, I felt like David did as he cried out:
1 “Save me, O God, for the floodwaters are up to my neck. 2 Deeper and deeper I sink into the mire; I can’t find a foothold. I am in deep water, and the floods overwhelm me. 3 I am exhausted from crying for help; my throat is parched…waiting for my God to help me” (Ps 69: 1-3 NLT)

Due to defective thinking, I tried to survive by cultivating a life of walls with me in the middle. This was only compounded by some dysfunctional upbringing. I sought answers in my little world of self-achievements. I came to a serious point of desperation and despair, needing help, but still not getting it. So it all came crashing down in 2005. I wondered what on earth was happening to me. Finally, I went to my local doctor. As we talked, I finally realised that I needed to acknowledge that there was a problem. It was discovered that there were mental health issues that were a family trait, also experienced by my grandmother and mother before me.

Through getting help from professionals, family and friends and enriching my devotional life, I slowly got going again. However, still suffering from ongoing issues, I need to make sure that I live a wholesome and honest life before the Lord. On the one hand, my mental health was never properly diagnosed and treated from a young age, so now some things from my childhood make more sense. But on the other hand, I needed to go through this dark place to find the help I needed and to come to the Eternal Light in a greater way.

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