Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Drifting or an Intentional Journey by Ps Michael Podhaczky

Are you a drifter or an intentional person as you travel through each day of your life? For many, to drift is the desired way to live, as they say it helps them to be at peace with their surroundings, their beliefs are unencumbered and they can enjoy life. While there are those who are more intentional and say that they need more structure and direction. Why not pause right now and think about which one of these lifestyles is yours?

As I was thinking about this within the context of my life journey, I came across an interesting article by Eric Geiger called “5 Lessons from Fallen Pastors.” As I read the article, this stood out,
“Drift in life and doctrine doesn’t self-correct.
The apostle Paul warned Timothy to ‘pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persevere in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and your hearers’ (1 Timothy 4:16 Christian Standard Bible). Our lives and our doctrine must be guarded carefully. Adrift in either does not self-correct. The only solution for a drift in life or a drift in doctrine is repentance, which is why we must continually repent.”[1]

One problem that I see with the drift mindset is that there is no way of knowing where we will end up since there is no real direction and end point. I was challenged by this article and especially this section of it. This is why I find for the most part that intentionality in life and belief is important. If we are not intentional, life has a habit of passing us by, and we can just watch others live a richer and deeper life, while we are just looking on.

Pause in His presence for a moment and think this over…

[1] “5 Lessons We Must Learn From Fallen Pastors.” By Eric Geiger - April 18, 2017. https://ericgeiger.com/2017/04/5-lessons-from-fallen-pastors/ (6th April 2017).

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