Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Who Are You? (Vocation) Part 3 by Ps Michael Podhaczky

So, our vocation is who we have been created to be, aside from our employment. What is it that our Heavenly Father has spoken into us or called us to be as He formed us before coming to earth? Vocation begins with a Kingdom of God emphasis, which then is lived out on earth. That is, it has its practical daily outworking in truth like,
10 “May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. 11Give us today the food we need” (Matt 6:10, 11 NLT).
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need” (Matt 6:33 NLT).
Consequently, our perspective of vocation needs to shift to have a Kingdom of God focus and not an employment one. That is, the word/s that our Heavenly Father has spoken into our lives when He created us. He wants to see His Kingdom come soon and His will to be done on earth through us, as it is in heaven. Now don’t get me wrong our vocation may play out through your employment, but if it does not do so, that is okay. However, it needs to flow out from how we are into the world around us constantly. For example,
·         Are you the one at work or uni that notices the one that is hurting and seeks to comfort or encourage them, regardless of what you do for a job or the course that you are studying? Your vocation maybe compassion, empathy or even nurture or a combination of these and others.
·         When you are with friends or family, do you find joy in helping them understand things so that, they are able to gain a Kingdom perspective to be able to live life on a higher level? Your vocation maybe equipping or encouraging growth toward maturity.
·         Do you find that you are able to see things in creation that others cannot, and you reveal them through art, music, drama etc.? Your vocation maybe creativity or vision?
These are just some examples of vocation that may have an impact on our life and even employment but are more than your employment.
Pause in His presence for a moment and think this over

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