Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Who Are You? (Vocation) Part 4 by Ps Michael Podhaczky

Let me encourage us to prayerfully let our imagination run wild to discover our God-given vocation. Remember, nothing is too hard or ridiculous for God. We can live in this wonderful place of vocation as this is who we have been created to be. It's not consumer Christianity here, as this doesn’t lead us to our vocation; but leads us away. It is our intimate relationship with the One who when creating us spoke into our lives with His gift of vocation. Thus, we need to pursue what really matters at all cost. As Christ-followers we have died to self, in Jesus Christ, in order to enter into the fullness of our God-designed vocation.

This takes a fusion of head and heart. It is not just the head, which may lead to a changed mind, but not a changed inner life. Neither is it just the heart, which can become emotionalism. It is about the whole person. If we attempt one without another, it can lead to a disconnect between our head and heart. It will also take a fusion of being solitary and in community. It is not purely about me, as it may lead to introversion, and not impact the community around me. Nor is it just the community, which may lead to becoming shallow in or even a people pleaser. It is about the whole person, being alone with our heavenly Father becoming aware of our vocation. However, we also need to be in community with each other where our vocation can be expressed. It has been said that,
“We need to take personal responsibility for our lives and our vocation; we need to be intentional and proactive. We each will ask, ‘What is the good work which I am called?’ And only you and I can answer this question. We have to make the call; no one else can do it for us. Yet it is equally important to stress that although we each can make the call, we cannot do this alone. We need the company of others co-discerners who walk with us on this road.”[1]

As the Spirit prods us, encouraging us deeper into God’s will so that He can use our vocation. So, let us be open to see His Kingdom come around us and His will done on earth as He uses us in our God designed vocation. Let Him continue to transform us to be more Christlike. To grow in the authenticity of our vocation, living in community, deeper in love and offering greater hope to those around us. This is possible through our God-given vocation.
Pause in His presence for a moment and think this over

[1] Smith, Gordon T. Consider Your Calling: Six Questions for Discerning Your Vocation. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2016), 10-11.

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