Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What’s Your Reality? by Ps Michael Podhaczky

We hear a lot about really these days. For example, reality TV, people ask ‘What is real?’ or say, ‘The sad reality is…’ and advertising tells us to ‘Make your dream a reality today, buy such and such’ etc. But what is reality? Well, the Oxford dictionary states that one aspect of it is,
“The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.[1]

So, what is your reality? What is the state of things as they actually exist to you? Maybe it is your life, family, possessions, faith or you just don’t know. For many, it is that we exit and live here on earth and see everything from that perspective. Albert Einstein said that,
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”[2]
Then John Lennon highlighted that,
“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”[3]
While Dr Seuss said that,
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”[4]

But there has to be more to reality than a merely subjective perspective. Has the Bible got anything to say on the matter of reality? Yes, it does Jesus said that,
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (in reality)” (Jn 8:36 ESV).
So, according to Jesus here in this verse is that our freedom in Christ is a reality and merely idealistic or a notion. Therefore, our life that Jesus Christ has given us is our certainty, as He is our reality. It is not something out there in the world somewhere.
Pause in His presence for a moment and think this over

[1] “Reality.” https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/reality (28th February 2019).
[2] “22 Interesting Quotes About Reality.” https://ineedmotivation.com/22-interesting-quotes-about-reality/ (28th February 2019).
[3] “22 Interesting Quotes About Reality.” https://ineedmotivation.com/22-interesting-quotes-about-reality/ (28th February 2019).
[4] “22 Interesting Quotes About Reality.” https://ineedmotivation.com/22-interesting-quotes-about-reality/ (28th February 2019).

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